The Insurance Broker’s Tale
Mr Exxon is on a mission to become the biggest oil company in the world. He’s found a new oilfield, and he just longs to poke his drill deep into the Earth. The people farming the land are outraged. But without being insured, Exxon can’t go ahead. So he has to take a trip to London to meet his Insurance Broker, Mr Floyd. Should Floyd give him insurance? After all, the climate change that Exxon has contributed to hugely is messing up Floyd’s business, everything is too unpredictable and risky now.
The story unfolds, with the people's land being parched by droughts, drowned by floods, before being devastated by an oilspill. This outdoor/indoor 20-minute play with six larger-than-life characters and an 8ft tall Earth puppet can entertain people of all ages, engaging the audience response pantomime-style in the unfolding drama, where they can give their advice to Mr Floyd about how he needs to help protect our world.
See the video of the show's first outing in Leadenhall Market, City of London, on February 29th 2024, part of the Insure Our Futures action against the big insurance companies that enable new oil exploration.